Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tuesday`s Child

i played another good set tonight at Zerro. after the usual rocky start as i re-learned the mixer yet again (every time i go in there the channels and switches are set up differently!) i played some good, fun and funky breaks for about two hours, averaging around 128 to 136 bpm the whole time. i had planned to throw in some slower interludes but meh. and i almost have recording figured out so there WILL be a mix on the net soon (he said wistfully more than determinedly...).

and on Monday Ulala and i went hiking in Kurama and Kibune (near Kyoto) and had a great time, so there should be some pics from that up when i sort through them this week.

here are a couple pics from tonight:

1 comment:

  1. hey dude,
    yakiniku and karaoke last night. good times. somehow i was fine for work today.... are you djing next wednesday too?
