I`ve been cut off! well... our internet has been, at least. so i am writing this from the smelly, dark, cave-like internet cafe near my house. i quite like this cafe for everything EXCEPT the Internet. they have a tanning booth, a full menu, free drink bar, DVD library, low prices, free manga comics, and a shower. they even have a foot bath/massager thingy. but the actual internet booth area is dark and smokey and gross. weird.
SOOOOO, i have little to no access to the great and glorious Web for the next week or so (which is roughly when the Net should be back up and running again in our apartment. i will try and check my e-mail a few times between now and then but will likely not reply to anything until after Christmas. therefore: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! may you all have wonderful holiday seasons, whatever your faith or creed. and remember when you go wishing for World Peace that Peace comes from communication, patience, understanding and tolerance.
"But, Ian," you may be asking. "WHY did they cut off your internet? Too much porn? Too much illegal downloading? You hacked through China`s censorship defences?" Nope. None of the above. SOMEone (not me) simply forgot to pay our internet bill... FOR 90 WHOLE DAYS. ...what was that about patience and understanding again?
See you in a week. (i hope)
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