A friend in America just sent this link to me via the series of tubes that is the internet with the e-mail heading "Is this True?" and i say to you, sir, Yes, It is true. Animosity towards Toronto is something that i have come across again and again both in my time in Canada (especially at an East Coast university) and outside Canada (working with English teachers from all over the world). While Americans tend to make a quick joke or an ignorantly facetious comment when i say "I`m from Canada" or "I`m from Toronto", usually involving a beaver, a lumberjack or the ubiquitous "Eh", other Canadians can become downright bitter about my hometown and i have, on one occassion, actually had another teacher (from Saskatchewan no less) refuse to acknowledge my presence for the rest of the day after he found out where i was from. Fortunately, i am usually able to see this behaviour as so-stupid-its-funny, and i can only hope that this new documentary, "Let`s All Hate Toronto", which i am very curious to see, treats it in the same light. If anyone out there in teh blogoshpere has seen it, please let me know what you think. Of the movie, not of Toronto. I don`t really give a flying f*ck what you think of Toronto. ;-)
Yours Truly, soulless, one-eyed corporate zombie Ian (from Toronto).
And remember:
"Ignorance is not Bliss. Bliss is Bliss. Ignorance is just a fancy word for Stupid."
-Ian Warney, Memetic Engineer.
Eh? -Matt