Once again flying in the face of chronology, i bring you a recent event while many others wait in the wings. The Osaka Bar Tour hit Umeda this past weekend and it was also in honour of Tony`s birthday that Ulala and i actually ventured out of our couples coma to see the world at night once more. Overall a good night, cut a bit short by Ulala not feeling well (though probably for the best). We also met a couple new people while running around collecting stamps at various bars for the "treasure hunt," one of whom is Clemens (in the photos below). AND we got stuck in the pouring rain for the early part of the night, adding to the sense of adventure.... and wetness. Meh.
Clemens and i downing a whiskey and coke faster than ought be done. It was a race after all...
As a bonus i got to see the crew at Captain Kangaroo for the first time in way too long:
Two of many funny signs seen during the evening:
I don`t know about you but i`m hungry for some cubes, yo.
And nothing says "cut loose and party hard" like V.D.!
yo, thanks for coming out. and thanks for spelling 'honour' with a 'u'. that pleases me and it is a tribute to your fine and colourful country. wourd.