Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cordoba City pt2

Cordoba was a lot of fun to walk around. Being a huge University town in many ways, there is a younger, hipper vibe than in Old Buenos Aires. There is some good street art and stenciling (though not as much as in BsAs) and lots of casual fashion shops and great bars and nightlife. There are also some really excellent art galleries (and they`re FREE!) like the Palacio Ferreyra, a converted manor that is beautifully restored and kept and displays a wide range of periods and styles. I might try and go back and spend some more time in Cordoba if i get a chance. Then again there is so much more to see it is hard to find time to revisit places. Speaking of revisiting i was looking through some old blog posts and realized that i have now been blogging for two years (as of yesterday). Crazy. I have enjoyed posting pictures and writing a little here and there, as well as doing some other side projects. Hopefully my family and friends that "tune in" once in a while have enjoyed it as well. Thank you to those who read this.

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